It’s about you, not us

Our approach – how consulting should be

We bring independence, internationally recognised IP and systems, cohesive and collaborative teams of hand-picked industry recognised specialists, exclusive assurance programs, our collective knowledge pool… and our A-game.

We tackle things differently – we work with you, we keep things simple and our engagement models are tailored to fit your circumstance (and not some prescribed cookie-cutter from 1948). Our approach focuses on the most important part of the equation; supporting you to deliver.

1. It’s your program

We work to your game plan and your rules. We bring proven systems, methodologies such as SAFe and our IP to help, but we operate to your circumstance, tools and environment.

While other consultancies are focused on filling as many seats as they can and hitting their change request targets, we’re there to help and support you. Our metrics are driven by your success, nothing else. We are your A-team, we will deliver, and we’ve always got your back.

2. Agnostic and independent

We don’t have alliances, vendor partners or sell through targets. We don’t work to other’s sales targets, and we don’t have emotional attachments. We are vendor agnostic and staunchly independent.

To truly have your best interests, we can have only one partner for your program – you. This ensures there are no secret agendas, there is full transparency and you gain the complete visibility needed to make faster and more informed decisions (and keep the large consulting vendors in check).

3. Teams deliver more value, faster

Hiring individual consultants may save a few dollars, but how much do they cost from a value perspective? Mobilising, understanding the role, learning the landscape, building relationships and trust, working out where the toilets are and bickering about the colour of their chair cost time, money and directly impact the productivity of the whole team. And then you hope they don’t get an offer with the right coloured furnishings.

We approach this differently. If you broke your leg, would you try and fix it yourself? No – you’d get the best available specialist team to ensure the best possible care immediately. So why treat your projects differently?

We handpick expert teams that we know can help you deliver, and fully mobilise them on our clock – not yours. Teams are industry experts bound cohesively together, are collaborative in their high-quality delivery, understand their functions intimately, and are genuinely productive on day one – not day ten or week five. We provide the best available specialists and ensure they’re providing value immediately – without having to break legs.

4. Deliver as promised

We’ve all seen it. A large vendor brings in their impressive and shiny A-team to win the sale, and as soon as mobilisation is complete, they start swapping them out to another more important engagement somewhere else.

Your superstar team is suddenly backfilled with juniors, interns, and backpackers – shortly followed by change requests for more of the same because you no longer have the capability you bought. It’s a highly profitable exercise, just not for you.

Our approach is different – we don’t do swap-outs, and we don’t do juniors, interns or backpackers. You bought a capability, and that capability will be there for you through thick and thin for the duration of the engagement.

5. Share what we know

With 450 industry-leading specialists with an average 18 years experience, we have a wealth of learnings. When you engage Inner Circle, you gain the ability to tap into an extraordinary knowledge pool far greater than the team you have on the floor.

Each of our consultants has access to our entire network of specialists. If you need help with a unique and very specific challenge, they can help.

6. Integrate, not dominate

We have seen the damage “External Consultant Syndrome” can do to internal staff and teams. They become concerned about their jobs, their morale drops, they become adversarial towards consultants and their productivity plummets – creating an opportunity for large consultancies to take over their function as well.

We do things differently – we assimilate into your existing teams and work with them, support them and coach them. We’re not there to take their jobs – they’re essential to the ongoing value you’re going to gain from the program.

7. Fit for purpose

While others have prescribed methodologies that must be adhered to, we have an interdisciplinary approach to solving problems with pragmatism and consideration for your circumstance.

We are not locked into a single methodology or approach – we have the flexibility, innovative thinking and breadth of recognised subject matter experts to fit your ways of working and only propose solutions that are fit to your purpose. This extends to our engagement models – we make it easy to get the most out of the Inner Circle.

8. Accountability

We take pride in being accountable for our consultants, our insights and what we deliver. While others shy away from accountability, we embrace it.

Our exclusive Engagement Assurance function exists to enable, purpose and manage Inner Circle teams to promote visibility and risk management. We provide regular reports on your engagement progress – including high-value insights, timely notice of risks and issues and our overall progress. This showcases what we have delivered and ensures accountability.

9. Positive experience

Delivering change is a tough job. Programs are filled with ups and downs, new obstacles, moving milestones, evolving budget restraints, new resourcing headaches and changing goal posts. And yet for some reason, we all love doing it.

We roll up our sleeves, we fight in the trenches, and we do whatever it takes to deliver the value the organisation was hoping for. We want to look back at each engagement and remember not only the challenges and the learnings – but the experience of how well we worked together to overcome the obstacles and deliver program success.

We’re ready to start, are you?

All it takes is a message.

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